Bellevue Hill House

  • Year:
  • Type:
    Single Residential
  • Status:
  • Location:
    Bellevue Hill, NSW, Australia

Situated on the corner of Mansion Rd and Victoria Rd, this residence is nestled among expansive fig trees on a typically quiet street which, at times, is transformed into a bustling and public street corner during school days. The external form responds to a highly exposed street condition, presenting two dramatic volumes to the street while concealing a more playful and sculpted metal form to the rear. To address a comprehensive brief from the client, the house was envisaged as a castle, a gallery and a playground to house a multi-generational family, a rotation of travelling guests, and enough breathing room to celebrate coming together and simultaneously enjoying time apart. This was achieved through the sculptural steel staircase and a vertical gallery which functions as the social axis of the house, helping to weave together all the spaces through the family’s shared love of art.  

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